For hatching chicks, starting seeds and SNEEZING! Yup, the trees are mating and sending their pollen everywhere. A GREAT way to deal with the seasonal allergies without drug is to use local honey. Make sure it comes from a source within a fifty mile radius of where you spend most of your time. A teaspoon every day (or even once a week) really does help. And it's soooooo sweet too.
The hubby finished my new compost tumbler. It's loaded up and ready to make that rich organic fertilizer!
Some of our new Dominique chicks, now four weeks old. Those with more white in their barring are likely to be males. So far it looks like three boys and seven girls. We'll have to wait and see how they mature.
And Heathcliff's first group of offspring is now almost two weeks old. They are just starting to get that downy bump where the crest feathers will come in. So easy to tell the boys from girls with this autosexing breed. Four males and seven females. Can you pick out the boys? There are also four black Langshan youngsters in the brooder too.