Our Euskal Oiloak breeding pen is going well. We have a dozen eggs sitting in the incubator with more on the way. The Crested Cream Legbar cockerel we purchased in July is doing well too. I can't wait until the Spring to see how he finishes out and what this group will produce. We've heard rumors that Greenfire has imported some Jill Reese legbars from the UK and that they have cleared quarantine. Hopefully we can add some of these chickens in 2014 or 2015.
Heathcliff -- 10 week old Crested Cream Legbar cockerel
And finally, after much research, we have ordered 20 rose comb Rhode Island Red chicks from Gary Underwood for Spring delivery and are on a waiting list for 18 White Dorking chicks from Yellow House Farm. It is going to be a very busy spring!